Cleaning service




Cleaning With Health Guard


Professional Cleaning Services for Home, Office and Vehicle

Cleaning can be a chore and we know you have many choices when you consider hiring a maid service. Because of that, we are constantly thriving to improve our already high standards to have you see us as the absolute best in the industry. It’s not enough to have trust in the cleaning crew that you let into your home, office and vehicle… you also have to trust that they will perform a first-class cleaning job for you. Putting our employees through a rigorous training program ensures each member of our cleaning team understands their role and how it relates to the overall performance of the team.

Get started with your

free estimate

We Are Experts

and dominate the industry in scale and scope with an adaptable, extensive network that consistently delivers exceptional results.

We Are Committed

to our customers and are guided in all we do by their needs.

Why Our Customers Choose Us?

We Are Complete

and seek to provide exceptional service and engage in proactive behavior.

We Are Driven

to pursue the highest standards and continuously improve in all aspects of our business.

how it's works


We clean

We Disinfect

We protect

We test


Disinfecting kills germs on surfaces or objects.

Creates an invisible barrier for over 30 days with a single coat

Unlike disinfectant products which only kill pathogens during their wet contact time, Our Quaternary Ammonium Compound Blend remains effective for over 30 days. This treatment reduces the risk of cross-contamination 24/7 for at least a month.

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We test

We use the top ATP monitoring systems the world over for the past 10 years. designed to last and stay accurate, they perform better than all other systems in the market today. when we test and we say it’s clean – we mean it

Request a free quote. Best rate guaranteed!

Fill out the form and we''ll be in touch with you as soon as possible​

    Full name


    Contact Number


    Upload the picture of the area that you want to sanitize

    Your message

    Contact us to book your free quote.

    No contracts and no obligation

    Competitive Rates

    Top quality work

    A service schedule designed to meet your needs

    We provide all our own supplies.

    How to find us

    Our goal is to provide the best customer service and to answer all of your questions in a timely manner.

    Phone Number

    (02) 275078955​

    Mobile Number


    Live Chat

    Click to start chatting

    Contact info

    81 MacArthur Highway, Potrero, Malabon City​

    (02) 275078955​


    Any More question?

    Reach us here

    Copyright © 2020 Health Guard

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